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We are grateful for the development support of the Finnish Film Foundation for our projects. A busy summer is about to begin! 😎☀️
Finnish Film Foundation’s second funding decisions of the year were published a few days ago. Seven feature fiction films and six feature...
tarasow.orgGrateful for the existence of AVEK, which just supported our new feature documentary project God Is Tango!
Pitching upcoming feature documentary film Tango Nomad. Thanks to @docpoint & @docpointtallinn for the wonderdul Saturday 😘!
Pitching upcoming feature documentary film Tango Nomad. Thanks to @docpoint & @docpointtallinn for the wonderdul Saturday 😘!
🙌 Jone Boy, our new drama film project received development support.
Jone Boy, a feature drama film written by Annika Grof, received development support from the Finnish Film Foundation. In the last round of funding...